How beautiful the colors of fall are and simply perfect for familyportraits! I had a fantastic time together with Christine, Micke and their two cute kids while capturing the moments of them playing in the leaves!
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When one of my dearest and oldest friends asked me to come and perpetuate her precious pregnancy, I felt extremely honoured and excited. Patricia and Bo are filled with love, for eachother, their family and friends and most of all for this little person inside who they call “BoPa”.
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Let me introduce Hugo, 10 days “old”. Remember the post of Malin and Draken? Well, Draken was Hugo :-) It’s magical to look into a newborn’s eyes – there you’ll find the wisdom and knowledge of all lifetimes.
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Postad i Barn, Children, Families, Familjefotografering
Lieselotte van der Meijs
van der Meijs Foto AB
Bergsundsgatan 21
117 37 Stockholm
+46-(0)733-26 69 59